“He had one left to send, a son, whom he loved. He sent him last of all, saying, ‘They will respect my son.’ ”
Mark 12:6 (NIV)
This parable was told by the One who came from heaven to the ones who would kill Him, before the events occurred. This parable by itself reveals a God of compassion, grace, patience and love, a God who knew before He sent His only beloved Son to Jerusalem – exactly what would happen to his Son. Friend, on this Good Friday - the day we remember the death of God’s only beloved Son- may we read this parable and stop to let it sink in. The death of Christ Jesus was no accident, it was not unexpected, nor was it a plan foisted on an unsuspecting group of humans. Their track record spoke for itself, they would kill anyone who came from God, for they continually resisted God’s Word. God the Creator of all that is, the One God above all gods used the evil inclinations and the entrenched wickedness of His rebellious people to provide the deliverance His penitent people had been calling out to Him for. He knew He could count on them - on their murderous impulses against anyone who spoke Truth from Him to them. He knew He could count on His Son whom He loved, to glorify His Father by drinking from the cup prepared for Him, and to deliver all who trust in Christ from sin and death, and from our enemy.
It is said that the reason history repeats itself is because we don’t learn from history.
I wonder can God count on me today to drink from the cup He has for me?
It depends on who are we counting on today-
Ourselves? Or Christ?