“Our God comes and will not be silent; a fire devours before him and around him a tempest rages,”
Psalm 50:6 (NIV)
The appearance of God in this psalm is tied to His judgment of His people. Specifically, His people who are wicked, who hate His words, who join in with thieves, and adulterers, who speak lies and evil, who harm their brothers and sisters- God was silent, but will be no longer. God’s silence is always misunderstood by us as approval, but now the wicked will experience the full weight of God’s disapproval. This is a sobering psalm for all of God’s people to read. The apostle Paul speaks of the fire that tests our work- this event will not be like school where you get to rewrite the exam. Ask the Holy Spirit to change you, ask Him to rewrite the story of your life now! One life to live - long or short Lord I want to live it for you - in a way that pleases you. He summons the heavens above and the earth- quite a summons! Why will He summon all of creation? So that He may judge His people. May we be ready!
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