“He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to cultivate— bringing forth food from the earth:”
Psalm 104:14 (NIV)
What a delightful song of praise to the LORD our God!
who has not only created the earth but sustains the earth,
who not only sustains the earth but sustains the animals,
who not only sustains the animals but sustains humans,
who not only sustains all life but stands in judgment over all life.
This psalm declares the interaction of our God, the Creator with every aspect of the created world, it declares the created purpose of the sun and moon.
As we look towards our 1st service this Sunday – we notice that this psalm declares what Paul points out in 1 Corinthians 3:6.
Humans plant but it is the LORD our God who makes things grow! Worship Him! Trust Him! - as we plant the seeds of His Word in our hearts and in others.
Praise the LORD, oh my soul.
Praise the LORD
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