Wednesday 1 November 2017

Nov 1, 2017- 1st Service Suggested Reading Proverbs 8

Then I was constantly at his side. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence, rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind.

Is wisdom really a person? Is wisdom really a woman? Personification is a fascinating literary technique - where human attributes are given to an abstract quality. The lady wisdom calls to all of us, she wants to bless us all by serving us if we would only put her to work in our lives. She was created by God before He created anything else, and He used her to create everything else. Most amazingly of all is that she is a happy lady – because of His Presence, His world, and His humans. The message in Proverbs 8 is clear- when you find me you find life OR when you fail to find me you find death. The act of finding wisdom flips the literary technique on its head – the attributes of an abstract quality are now given to a human. AS we seek wisdom which only comes from God, as we find wisdom (He gives it to all who ask without finding fault) we become a happy person- because of His Presence, His world and His humans. Now that would be a blessed way to spend today!

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