“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”
Matthew 20:16 (NIV)
The patience, the grace and the teaching skills of our Lord Jesus Christ are so obvious in this chapter. He tells a parable of workers (all Christians) in the master’s vineyard (kingdom of God) each worker entered into an agreement with the master (do you remember that agreement- when you gave your life to Him in exchange for eternal life?). The point of the parable is that when it comes to working in the kingdom of God, we all receive equal pay – which because of our sin nature we think is unfair! Our Lord then tells us the terrible costly nature of His work in the kingdom. We notice immediately with story of James and John that the disciples do not understand what the LORD is saying. So the Lord gently reminds them again. I don’t think we are any better than the disciples, I think we all struggle with the truth that we are all co-workers with Christ, and even if we acknowledge the truth we struggle with the ramifications. SO – Are you feeling discouraged about these late to the church people who seem to have all the joy and none of the work- especially in light of all the work you have done in the kingdom over all these years?
Then let us pray the prayer of the blind men; “Lord we want to see”. Oh Lord open our eyes that we might see the wonderful gift of life and the wonderful gift of being able to work alongside you in your kingdom. Amen
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