Thursday 2 November 2017

Nov 2, 2017- 1st Service Suggested Reading Isaiah 64

For when you did awesome things that we did not expect, you came down, and the mountains trembled before you.

This short chapter is a prayer filled with longing. A prayer by a person who has known the blessing of God in their life. A person who knew what it was to worship the One True God. A person whose worship life is now a ruin, black with ash. The longing of the heart is that God would move in power from heaven down to earth, to move the mountain, to change reality here on earth. In spite of our sin and filthiness – and because of His unfailing faithfulness to His people. Friend have you ever been in this place of prayer? This prayer is placed in the mouths of the Jewish people while in captivity in Babylon- but the prophetic aspect of the prayer and the timeless truths contained, mean that this prayer is for today. Are you even today in a hopeless situation? Take hope in the truth that His power moves to us in unexpected ways. We may think we know exactly what He should do to deliver us BUT He does it in unexpected ways. We may think it is impossible to see the situation redeemed, BUT He makes happen in ways we never expected nor imagined. The prayer from the heart is always answered! PRAY and WAIT!

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