Wednesday 4 April 2012

Psalm 22

"When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus' parables, 
they knew he was talking about them."
{Matthew 21:45} (NIV 1984) 

These men knew! They knew that they were in the Lord's stories. They could see themselves and their actions and attitudes described, even see the consequences laid out for them. You would think that when a person has the depth of insight to identify with a character in Jesus' parables, that person would fall on their knees and repent. Beg forgiveness and ask the Lord to change their hearts. In these leader's cases it had the opposite effect. Their hearts hardened and they fulfilled their wretched parts in the gospel story. 

I wonder to myself - what area of my life has God given me insight from Scripture about? What Bible story do I see myself in? Have I repented of my attitude or am I hardening my heart? 

O God, please break us. Please strive with us, O Holy Spirit. May your grace be on us this day, may you tear the sin out of our lives. 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if the hinges on the cabinet door are a little bit misaligned.
