Tuesday 3 April 2012

Psalm 22

But when the chief priests and the teachers of the law saw the wonderful things he did and the children shouting in the temple area, 
“Hosanna to the Son of David,” they were indignant.
{Matthew 21:15} (NIV 1984) 

What a special place children have in the kingdom of God! These children did what children do - they saw people being healed and they rejoiced and they shouted out Scripture. They didn’t stop to think how this might look. They didn’t worry about proper decorum, protocol or the jealous feelings of their leaders. These children behaved righteously; they praised the Son of God for what He had done, and for His presence with them. 
What a trap the leaders found themselves in. They could not respond properly to the new thing that God was doing. Each of us who are “religious” (don’t deny it, we grew up in church) should beware of this trap. 

Oh Lord, save us from our attitudes, and open our eyes so that we can see the new work that You are doing in our midst. Humble us Lord so that we will listen and learn from our children and grandchildren.

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