Monday 23 April 2012

1 Thessalonians 4:1-12

"The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn,
shining ever brighter till the full light of day."
{Proverbs 4:18} (NIV1984)

What a beautiful metaphor! Life is a journey. Paths filled with travelers. Those who walk in the path in right relationship with God, have light on their way. God guides them on the path of righteousness. God’s Word is a light to their path. God’s Son is the Light that shines from within them as they travel. 

The Light starts small, like the first gleam of dawn, but as they use their will to make their bodies do the will of the Lord Jesus, little by little, more and more, the Light grows brighter and brighter. 

Life lived surrendered to our Lord Jesus is meant to get better every day. “Little by little, every day, Little by little in every way. My Jesus is changing me.” Then we reach the end of our path, and death is our entrance into the full light of day! 

Is this metaphor true of us? Are we this morning “brighter” than we were last month, or last year? O Lord Jesus, cleanse me I pray, change me, use me, bless me this day.

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