“For a fire will be kindled by my wrath, one that burns down to the realm of the dead below. It will devour the earth and its harvests
and set afire the foundations of the mountains.”
Deuteronomy 32:22 (NIV)
If as we read this verse we consider what scientists teach today about the molten lava under us- and take this verse as a having a physical meaning- we will marvel at the geological knowledge of Moses the servant of LORD.
If as we read this verse we consider the rest of the Bible's teaching about God’s holy fire – and take this verse as having spiritual meaning- we will shudder at the revelation of the power of the wrath of God.
If as we read this verse we take this verse as having both spiritual and physical meaning we will enter into how the New Testament teaches the subject of the fire of the wrath of the Lord Almighty, and we will worship Him in reverence and awe!
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