“The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.”
Genesis 2:15 (NIV)
Many of us believe that the 1st mention of work in the Bible was after the fall in Genesis 4- surely work is a result of the curse. We can’t imagine having to work in the new heavens and the new earth- Crazy talk we think! Yet in the creation account of Genesis 2 before the fall, the man was put to work, and the woman was created to help him. This means that in Perfection- the man and woman were created perfect, creation itself was perfect, in the Presence of God, without sin or death or curses - we will work. Wait a minute you say, God must have changed the plan, because heaven is about REST, and we need faith to enter that Rest. Well, in Revelation 22:3 God’s servants are serving Him- that sounds like work to me. I think of the parable of the talents or bags of gold recorded in Matthew 25 which describes us appearing before our Lord before entering this wonderful Rest. What is the reward for the good and faithful servant, who put what God gave them to work in this sinful world? “you have been faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things.” Oh dear, sounds like more work to me- actually it sounds like a real job, with heavy duty responsibility.
Workaholics serve work itself - they make a terrible mistake.
Faithful servants of Christ, serve a master whose yoke is easy, and whose burden is light.
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