“And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.”
Ephesians 2:22 (NIV)
Read it once, then read it again and the wonderful truth of Ephesians 2 permeates your mind and soul and your spirit worships our wonderful God and our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Each one of us who have been saved by the grace of God thru faith in His Son have received blessings upon blessings. Paul ends this wonderful chapter about who we are in Christ by pointing us to the great metaphor of the church which is a “building”. The cornerstone is Christ Jesus, the foundation is the apostles and prophets and all of us rise above this solid foundation. Note that the metaphor is applied not only to the universal church (all Christians over all time) but also to the local church at Ephesus. This means that Parkdale can be described as a building, a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit. We used to call the room we worship in a sanctuary thinking we were reflecting this truth. But we have come to realize that the structure is made up of people, not bricks and mortar. Friend let us join in the work at Parkdale of building a temple in which God lives by His Spirit.
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