“Yet you are near, LORD, and all your commands are true.”
Psalm 119:151 (NIV)
There are times when God seems far away- times of trouble, times of danger, lonely times. Times when you call out as the psalmist calls here. Is the psalmist “making a deal” with God in verses 145 thru 147? As we look closer into the surrounding verses, it seems as if these words are a recommitment. He has tested the Words of God and found them righteous and true. He delights in the Words of God and yet trouble has come, enough trouble that he gets up early to cry for help. When we face trouble like this, when Scripture seems aimed at a time long past, and a people long dead, are we able to read these ancient Words and seize the promises for today, for right now, for me? Then can we echo the psalmist;
You are near LORD, and ALL your commands are TRUE. Help me please.
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