"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Isaiah 30:21 (NIV)
We live in the realization of this prophecy of an age these people could only dream about. Those of us who have given our lives to the Lord Jesus, who have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit, and this same Holy Spirit speaks to us in order to guide us constantly in the way we should go.
Questions like - What school should I go to? Who should I marry? Where should I apply for a job? turn so quickly into - Where should I live as I get older? At what point do I sell my house? How can I influence my grandchildren? What retirement home should I choose? What cemetery should I choose?God speaking through Isaiah speaks judgement on His children, who heap sin upon sin by making plans without His Spirit. They refuse to listen to God’s prophet and so God instructs His prophet to write these things down as an everlasting witness. May I point out to all of us who live in this wonderful age of the Spirit of God, given freely and abundantly to all who call on the Name of the Lord- May I point out that if these individuals have no excuse for not consulting God’s Spirit, then we absolutely have no excuse for making plans without listening for that still small voice, without asking for guidance by the Holy Spirit, in the multitude of decisions we make on our own. Perish the thought – may we be individuals who seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all of our ways. Speak LORD, for your servant listens.
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