“To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands. I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance.”
Revelation 2:1,2a (NIV)
How awesome is it to you to realize from this chapter the truth that the Lord Jesus Himself walks among the local churches? That the One who loves us and gave Himself for us attends our church services and takes note of our activities, our attitudes, and our spiritual temperature. It is a sobering truth! Yet my response is always worship- it is always a thankfulness, an appreciation that He has not left us alone, that He cares, even for this little church we call Parkdale. Notice with me that He knows their deeds. What does He notice about us- would he say to us; “I see your hard work and perseverance”? Hard work and perseverance belong together. Many can work hard for a short time and then burn out, but to work hard for a long time brings results. It is true in every endeavour and especially true in a local church. Yet these qualities seem to bring a temptation to forget the One we are working for – we can put our shoulder to the task and forget the One for whom we work.
Dear Lord Jesus Help us work hard, help us persevere in that work, and help us we pray to remember for whom we work, may our love for You be the driving force of all we do! Amen.
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