"Seth also had a
son, and he named him Enosh. At that time men began to call on the name of the
Genesis 4:26 (NIV1984)
This verse
about prayer stands out by itself in Genesis 4. We hear about godless Cain and
his sin of murder, then about Cain’s descendants and another murder. We hear
about nomads, farmers, musicians, and tool makers, and we can imagine what a
wonderful world, and what wonderful opportunity these humans in early earth
had. Then we have this mention of prayer.
This is the first indication of real
prayer in the Bible. Adam and Eve hid from God and then made excuses. Cain
ignored God, then lied, and then complained about his punishment. To call on
the name of the LORD is to acknowledge that you need the LORD’s help. To call
on the name of the LORD is to appeal to God on the basis of His character. To
call on the name of the LORD is to put the Creator of everything in His proper
place, and to put us as humans in our proper place.
Friend, do the times that
you call on the name of the LORD stand out in your life, like this verse stands
out in the chapter? Or do you start each day calling on the name of YHWH,
asking the Lord Jesus for the strength, the grace to live your life today? May
each of us reflect on the character of the great LORD of all creation, and may
we continually call on His name, for His help!