Thursday 20 December 2012

Romans 8:1-17

 "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."
{Genesis 4:7} (NIV1984)

The account of the tragedy that befell the first children of the human race lays out for all humans the biggest issue that we have! Sin desires to be our master! Cain gave in to it and disaster followed. Over and over again in each human’s life, this struggle has been lost. How many people walked the face of the earth before a baby was born in a manger one night in Bethlehem? Every one of those people lost this struggle. 

As we read the Old Testament, we see the grace of God applied to specific people who stand out among the multitude, as those who feared God and actually engaged in the struggle against sin. But now, in this age of grace upon grace, we have a Saviour, Christ the Lord! This Saviour died in our place on the cross and condemned sin in sinful man. Simply put, Christ the Lord died on that cross so that we could master sin. We who have trusted Christ for our salvation, we have the Spirit of God in our hearts and we do not have to sin! We don’t have to have disasters in our relationships and in our personal lives. We have been saved from the cycle of sin and death. 

Friend, do we live in this reality? Do we choose to be led by the Spirit? Do we confess our sins daily? Do we draw near to God daily seeking forgiveness, restoration and the grace we need to live? Do we see victory in our lives over these attitudes and actions that have plagued us for years? Or did Christ die for naught?

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