Friday 14 December 2012

James 3:13 thru 4:12

 "But wisdom is proved right by all her children."
{Luke 7:35}  (NIV1984)

Our Lord had a different ministry style than John the Baptist. Those who opposed Him also opposed John, simply because, down deep they opposed God who had sent both John and our Lord. Their opposition took the form of criticizing behaviour, even though their behaviours were in some senses widely divergent. 

Our Lord told them that wisdom is proven right by its fruit. This is a simple yet profound saying. When it comes to our behaviour as Christians, we can test whether or not we are actually listening to God and exercising God-given wisdom in our decisions and choices in our lives. 

If, or I should say when, when we are criticized and we wonder, “Am I really being directed by God?”, read this passage in James and the Holy Spirit will be quick to convict or confirm for us whether or not we are acting in worldly wisdom or heavenly wisdom. Wisdom is proved right by all her children, exposes the lies told by sinners as we say to ourselves and others, “God told me to do that.” How many terrible deeds have been done throughout history under the lie, “God told me to do that”? Let us not join that evil chorus that accuses God of things of which He has no part. May we be careful that the wisdom we exercise is truly wisdom from heaven.     

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