Monday 17 December 2012

Isaiah 7:1-14

 "All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel”—which means, “God with us.”
{Matthew 1:22,23} (NIV1984)

There are many people who have no faith; people who follow their base desires and have no desire to seek God! Some of these people call themselves teachers of the Word. They set themselves up as having more knowledge than the “simple” folks of faith, and write essays and preach sermons that teach that there is no way that Isaiah was talking about Jesus being born to Mary when he made his prophecy some 800 years before Jesus was born. Then, not content with that, they go further and teach that Isaiah did not mean virgin as we understand virgin, but he meant simply a young woman. 

Yet, the Holy Spirit Himself testifies to us through these verses in the gospel of Matthew that Isaiah was prophesying about Jesus of Nazareth when he told the wicked king Ahaz, who had no desire to seek God, that God Himself would give us a sign; a virgin would give birth to a Son, a Son from heaven, but born of a woman, whose father is the Living God! 

What about us this morning? Are we people of faith? Do we believe the Holy Spirit and the Word of God? Do we believe that Jesus of Nazareth, born over 2,000 years ago was and is the Son of the Living God? 

Who is He in yonder stall
At Whose feet the shepherds fall?
Who is He in deep distress,
Fasting in the wilderness?

’Tis the Lord! O wondrous story!
’Tis the Lord! the King of glory!
At His feet we humbly fall,
Crown Him! crown Him, Lord of all!
{Who is He in Yonder Stall, Benjamin Russel Hanby, 1866}

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