Saturday 31 March 2012

Psalm 21

“But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.”
{John 11:22} (NIV 1984) 

Martha got up immediately to go and meet Jesus, in spite of her grief. That is faith -  to go to God in the midst of trial! 

Martha believed that if Jesus had been present, her brother would not have died. That is faith - to believe in the protection of the presence of Jesus! 

Martha believed that her brother would rise in the great resurrection of the dead. That is faith - the faith that Job expressed - a faith in seeing God with our own eyes!

Martha believed that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God, who came to the world. That is faith- the saving faith that Jesus commended Peter for! 

Martha said that she believed that God would give Jesus WHATEVER He asked. That is faith- the faith in the relationship of the Heavenly Father and His Son whom He loves! 

The Jews praised God for giving their king the desires of his heart. 

What about us my friend? Do we praise God for answering the prayers of Christ Jesus? Do we believe that God will give Jesus whatever he asks?


  1. Nice fresh look at Martha's faith! She is so often seen only through her overzealous efforts at hospitality!

  2. Yes, that is what I was struck by as well- Martha always is the bad guy in the story! Or I should say "bad girl"
    This is certainly how we should pray.....believing that Christ is our mediator ....pleading on our behalf... and we need to believe that God will answer Jesus!
