Tuesday 12 November 2013

Psalm 1


"Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you." 
Exodus 20:12 (NIV)

Long life is universally desired. I wonder sometimes why we hold it up so high when our quality of life seems to diminish as we get older, but humans desire long life. It is presented in God's Word as a blessing from God bestowed upon those who live their lives in accordance with His Word, to the point that some of the Psalms wrestle with why God would allow wicked people to prosper and live long. Paul calls this 5th Commandment a promise; not a wise saying that "generally" comes true, BUT a PROMISE! That means that God Himself puts the full weight of His Name and His character behind it. 
Heathens teach karma; the Bible teaches that the One True God is not only the Creator of all things, but that He is the Sustainer of all things and is intimately involved with every detail of His creation. His plan for humans was that a man and a woman would join together in marriage; make love to each other and children would be born and fill the earth. How we treat our parents matters to God and He will bless those who honour their parents. May we choose to walk in the path of blessing today. 

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