Monday 25 November 2013

1 Kings 6"How lovely is your dwelling place, LORD Almighty!" 

Psalm 84:1 (NIV)

This temple was beautiful. We have no picture, only descriptions, but the descriptions of the stonework, the cedar work, the gold laid over all the cedar, the doors with their gold hinges and the bronze work, all speak of a wonderful building. Unlike our present day method of bringing leftovers for the church to use, only the best of materials were used. This was not a church building - no it was the temple of the Living God, the place where God would put His presence; where He would live among His people, so only the best materials and the best craftsmen would do! But when you gaze around at the beauty of all creation, you realize that the temple was just a shack to God. You begin to realize the depth of the love that the God who created the universe, the Master Builder, the Craftsman had for His people, that He would live in a shack built by human hands. When you think about the audacity of building a structure out of materials that waste away for the Eternal, Invisible, Immortal God, you begin to understand the sense of blessing that David and Solomon had and you then to understand Psalm 84:1. It was not the physical properties of the temple that made it lovely, rather it was the Presence of a beautiful God. 

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