Friday 3 May 2013

Revelation 11:15-19

"Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant."
{Revelation 11:19a} (NIV)

There was a temple on earth and there is a temple in heaven. There was an ark of the covenant of the LORD on earth, there is an ark of the covenant of the LORD in heaven. 

It is hard to get our heads around this truth, so much of our ideas of heaven consist of people on clouds floating around. It seems hard to believe that there is a structure in heaven, a temple that contains a piece of furniture. Yet if we pause and think that the purpose of a temple is worship by humans of the One True God, then we began to see the truth in what is written here. Heaven is all about worship! Every single instance that the LORD has allowed us to get a glimpse of heaven, it is very clear that heaven is about worship. Am I allowed to say that a temple in heaven makes sense? 

In the book of Revelation, all the people that we see in heaven are worshippers and are worshipping. The elders worship, the souls of the martyrs cry out from under the altar, and the great multitude worship. 

Friend, do we worship here, now on this earth? Do we enjoy worshipping the One True God in spirit and in truth? If we don’t enjoy worship now, then friend, we are definitely not going to enjoy heaven!

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