Monday 6 May 2013

Genesis 1

"God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
{Genesis 1:28} (NIV) 

Reading Genesis 1 always refreshes me. It takes me back to the true intent of creation, which is to reveal the glory of God. It causes my mind to dwell on the Otherness of God. The truth that He is above creation and outside of creation; the uncreated One! It sparks my imagination and I imagine what a pure unspoiled place earth was when it was formed. 

I have a sense of joy well up within me, for every time I read this chapter, Proverbs 8:30 comes to mind, and joy fills my heart. The place where I am refreshed the most is in the statements about humans. We are part of creation, not alien to it! We were formed to rule and subdue, we are not animals. Our purpose is to reveal our Creator God in how we rule and subdue, not to reveal that we came from an ape. We were created men and women so that we together as humans could fill the earth with humans. T

his last truth reveals the heart of God towards people. He wants more! Satan wants less; the world wants less. The Creator wants more! God loves people, all people, and He wants a creation full of people who love Him! It really is good to reflect on the truth that we are wanted. Someone wants us and that someone is our Creator God!

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