Tuesday 7 May 2013

Genesis 3

"Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living."
{Genesis 3:20} (NIV) 

Tracing our roots, filling in our family tree is something that many people in our day and age find very fulfilling. Scientists even created a DNA map several years ago and successfully traced all of mankind back to a few families originating in Africa. 

The Bible tells us here that every single human that ever lived, or ever will live came from Eve. She is the mother of all humans. We are not told in the Bible when Eve died. We are told that Adam lived 930 years, and if you take some time with a pencil and paper and graph out Genesis 5, you will quickly discover that Adam was still alive when Noah’s father was 50 years old. They saw many generations of their children grow up and branch out. 

Eve knew the pain of sin. In their lives as a couple, they broke fellowship with God and bore the consequences, and she knew the pain of one son killing another. Her name was given to her by Adam. We don’t know what language they spoke nor for sure what the word Eve meant, but we know that Adam knew the special place Eve would hold, and he honoured her with the name he gave her. 

I look forward to meeting her at the resurrection, and I will thank her for being willing to become a mother, for I would not be alive except for her. May we honour all the mothers around us this day.

Bless them Lord we pray. Comfort their hearts this day.

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