Tuesday 14 May 2013

Isaiah 52:13-53:3

"See, my servant will act wisely; he will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted."
{Isaiah 52:13} (NIV) 

Moses was a servant of God. His birth and upbringing were miraculous; his years of training were harsh, his call was supernatural, his position as God’s servant was proven by signs and wonders, he mediated between God and Israel and instituted proper worship of the Creator God. 

Isaiah is seeing a future time and a future servant, and Isaiah sees a servant whose role is to bring good news of peace and salvation, who will proclaim “God reigns” to God’s people Israel, even to the entire world. This servant will be high and lifted up, highly exalted and so we expect someone even greater than Moses. Yet as we read on we discover that this servant is different than Moses. 

Moses' parents could see that he was special, but this servant is nothing special. Actually there is nothing in His appearance that attracts us, instead we are appalled at His appearance, and we despise, reject Him, and refuse to look at Him. 

Truly this servant acts wisely! He lived His life of suffering and rejection in front of His God and for the glory of His God, for He desired only that God would lift Him up and highly exalted. He cared nothing for human’s opinions.

May our attitude this day, be that of our Lord Jesus Christ, who made Himself nothing and took the very nature of a servant.

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