Friday 1 February 2013

Joshua 5

"Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you.” So the place has been called Gilgal to this day."
{Joshua 5:9} (NIV 1984) 

Faith and miracles! God’s people obeying God and God miraculously helping them. He tells them to step into the Jordan, and the Jordan stops flowing so they can cross. He tells them to circumcise all the males, which leaves them helpless to fight (Genesis 34:25), then God puts fear in their enemies and keeps them from attacking. These people are willing to believe God and obey anything He says. 

In Egypt, the people were in slavery, unable to live as the people of God were meant to live - in freedom and victory. It didn’t seem to matter if they believed or not, they stayed in slavery until God’s mighty hand brought them out. Now on this day, the LORD tells Joshua that this is a new day for His people; the reproach is rolled away. Here in the land of promise, here in this place of rest, when they trust Him and obey Him, miracles will happen, and victory is guaranteed. Defeat will only happen if they want it to. 

Friend, this is the day that we live in. We can do all things through Christ…! This age of grace is the age of faith and miracles, the age of resting in the Lord. What sin has caught us? What trap are we in? Who or what are we afraid of? Rest in our Lord, in the power of His strength, call on His Name, believe and obey, and God will give us the victory! (Hebrews 4)

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