Tuesday 18 December 2018

Dec 18, 2018 - Suggested Reading Job 38 for Dec 23rds messages on Luke 1:5-25 and Luke 1:26-38 in our morning services at 9 and 10:45

“while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?”
Job 38:7 (NIV)

As we begin to consider the angel's messages concerning the birth of Jesus, recorded in Luke’s gospel, it is good for us to consider how little we know about angels. 
Reading Job 38 will always help you realize how little we know, and how quiet we should be.
God tells Job to “brace himself like a man” (could God be poking fun at us?) and then asks Job a series of questions that reveal our lack of knowledge. There will be some who will tell us that science will answer all of these questions, and that it is only a matter of time before we can answer all of God’s questions- but I would say to those individuals, that all they are doing is “bracing themselves like a man” and fooling themselves about their ability to understand the created world we exist in. For no matter how many things we learn or dissect into bits or experiment with or explore what we can see, we could never be present at creation.
Now the first question is; “Where you there…?”. The answer obviously is “No I wasn’t”
The knowledge we were not present at creation should instill humility in us, that knowledge should quiet us before our Creator.
The angels were there though, and they shouted for joy at what God had created.
Are the morning stars another term for angels? Or did the stars sing and the angels shout? 
Either way something beyond our understanding happened when creation sprang into existence, something that the angels witnessed and rejoiced over.
God’s questions were meant to humble Job, to put him in a place within his own mind, where he could worship God in a deeper way.
May God’s questions do the same thing for us, may we be humbled at the feet of the Creator, may our questions fade in silence, and may our questioning thoughts turn into worshipful thoughts.

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