Saturday 7 April 2018

April 7, 2018- Encouragement from 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

“After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.”

That word ‘left’ is a nasty word- how much pain is in this little word?
Oh friend, grieve and mourn, weep and wail but do it with hope.
The world talks about hope, but only those who have given their lives to the Lord HAVE this hope;
“So we will be with the Lord forever.” You will find that the Person of our Lord does not occupy much of the hope of the world. They hope for no pain, for a reunion with loved ones, for joy and pleasure, for healing. But it is only us Christians who hope for our Lord. Foolish is the person who thinks they can experience healing, love, joy and pleasure without the Presence of the Lord Jesus. Perhaps you can have those experiences in part, for a time - but those times will pass, and then what will you have? To be with the Lord forever is the desire of every true Christian, and it is the only place where healing, love, joy, and peace can last forever.
That word “together” is a wonderful word- how much joy is in this little word?
We will be together forever with our Lord!
Be thou my vision indeed!

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