Friday 22 March 2013

Song of Solomon 2

“He has brought me to his banquet hall, And his banner over me is love."
{Song of Solomon 2:4} (NASB) 

There is something almost embarrassing about being around two people who are as madly in love as the lovers described in this chapter. They have eyes for each other, and they both believe that they have the most special person in the world as their lover. She knows that he loves her and she even describes his love as a banner over her. 

If you stop and think, can you picture how a woman looks who knows that she is loved? A woman who is so convinced of her lover’s love that his love hovers over her like a banner? For us husbands, this is how our wives are to look every day, but sadly we fall short on our Lord’s command to love her as He loved the church. But Christ didn’t fall short of loving us. He loved us, sought us, died for us, will do anything for us, helps us, comforts us, listens to us, walks with us, speaks softly in our ears, and wants us to speak to Him continually (which means He doesn’t ever want us to be quiet). 

Will we sit at His feet today? Will we drink deeply of His love? Will we force our minds to dwell on the wonderful things He has done for us, and the wonderful mansion He has prepared for us? Drink deep of His love this day and in the days to come. People will notice that you are loved. They can`t help but see that we know we are loved, for we will wear a banner everywhere we go.

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