Wednesday 13 March 2013

Psalm 77

"Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen."
{Psalm 77:19} (NIV) 

There is a popular poem called "Footprints in the Sand". In it, the author looks at her life as a set of footprints on the sand, and is so thankful of the places where there are two sets of prints; the places where God is walking close, hand in hand. But then there are times when the author saw only one set of prints, and it troubled her that God had left her during that time of her life. She then receives encouragement from a revelations that God Himself carried her during those times. 

This psalmist receives encouragement from the truth that God didn't leave any footprints in the sand of the Red Sea. Using his mind properly, fixing it on God and the works God has done, causes him to realize that you can't see God's footprints. All you see is your own, and yet it was God Himself who led His people through the Sea. It was God who separated the Egyptians and Israelites by a cloud. It was God who parted the Red Sea. It was God who led them through the Sea and then destroyed the Egyptian army. But God didn't leave any footprints! 

Friend, although in your distress, you see no visible signs of God's presence, be encouraged. Think on what He has done for you. Think on what He did in the past for you and then realize that He hasn't changed; He still loves you dearly. He is still a warrior, able to free you. He is still your Counselor and Comforter, able to to heal you. Call out to Him and wait on Him. Praise His glorious Name!

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