Thursday 7 March 2013

2 Kings 6:8-23

"And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see.” Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha." 
{2 Kings 6:17} (NIV) 

I am like that servant of Elisha. I can’t see spiritual beings around me. I am oblivious to them. I work in the kingdom of the Lord Jesus, preaching His gospel, engaged in spiritual work, and yet I have no ability to see the spirit world. There have been times when I think that I sense evil spirits. My hair stands up, goose bumps come over my skin and fear grips me. There have been many times when I sense the presence of the blessed Holy Spirit, as He comforts me, works in me and in the people who attend services. But I can’t see the spirit world. Sometimes I think, “that is good John, you don’t want that kind of sight, you don’t need it and it would be another burden”. But in a situation like this, where fear grips us, then this sight would be a real blessing. 

The spirit world is real and there are angels who are around us; this is biblical. Just read Hebrews 1:14 and Luke 16:22! Friend, I can’t tell you that this prayer of Elisha will be answered for you, and that you will be given the ability to see the spirit world with your physical eyes. But I think of the prayer that we sing at church, “Lord open the eyes of my heart.” I think to myself, just open those eyes Lord, just allow my heart to have the faith to believe that all around me, right at this moment are angels, sent for me, to minister to me and then to take me to be with my Lord.
God is so good to us!

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