Tuesday 22 January 2013

Isaiah 41

"Do not be afraid, O worm Jacob, O little Israel, for I myself will help you,” declares the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel."
{Isaiah 41:14} (NIV 1984) 

No one likes being called a worm. But compared to God that is what we are. If we will accept from the LORD our true title of worm, it will lead us into worship. Would we go in the backyard and find a worm, love the worm and develop a plan to save the worm and bring it into fellowship with us? You say, "Come on; a worm is a lower life form than us". Well we are a lower life form than God! Until we realize this truth, we will never grasp the depth of the humility of our Lord Jesus as described in Philippians 2

Some nations are worms compared to other nations. They have no influence, no authority, no power, which is an apt description of Israel at the time of the Babylonian invasion. The message of God is because He is Israel’s Redeemer, He will help them, and they will be His servant to the world. He will make them victorious over the nations. God is the One over all the nations, thru all time; He lifts up the humble and breaks the proud. He exalted His Son to His right hand, and He has seated those who kiss His Son in the heavenlies with Him in glory. 

This worm praises my Redeemer today! Praise His Holy Name, for He has done it.

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