Wednesday 4 December 2019

December 4, 2019 - Suggested Reading Psalm 89 for the December 8th message on Micah 7 in our worship service at 10:00AM

“For who in the skies above can compare with the Lord? Who is like the LORD among the heavenly beings?”
Psalm 89:6 (NIV) 

Oh friend can you imagine standing in the throne room of God, with arms raised, a heart burning within, a face that glows and a mouth that sings - beautifully sings - the praises of our Lord?
Can you imagine gazing upon His holiness, looking towards God and seeing Him surrounded by holy wondrous creatures that sing Holy, Holy, Holy? We might on this side of heaven wonder at the descriptions of these creatures that surround Him, but surely there in His Presence, we will see them in their glory, and marvel.

Ethan the Ezrahite envisioned the Lord in His holiness surrounded by great and holy creatures who make us look smaller and weaker than ants, and yet those creatures are nothing compared to our God!
Surely Ethan and the Jewish people needed this vision of God, as they endured the reality of their situation on earth. Thrown out of their land, with their temple in ruins, held captive by foreign nations, they needed to see God high and lifted up, and they needed to say with their mouths that this mighty God is surrounded by faithfulness (vs8) and that not only is His arm powerful, strong and exalted (vs13), but He sits on a throne that rests on a foundation of justice and righteousness from which love and faithfulness flow (vs14).

Oh friend can you see this God today?
Can you see Him high and lifted up?
Can you see His eyes of love turned towards you?

Yes He has allowed this situation you are in, He has the power to fix it, to heal it and yet He doesn’t.
We don’t know why He won’t use His power this way -  BUT we do know that it is not His lack of faithfulness nor His lack of love RATHER it is His love, His faithfulness, His justice, and His righteousness that keeps Him from snatching us out of the situation until … until … 
Then one day we won’t have to imagine - for we will see Him with our own eyes, we will behold His beauty and we will sing at the top of our voice to the God who delivered us.

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