Tuesday 17 December 2019

December 17, 2019 - Suggested Reading Luke 9 for the December 22nd message on Isaiah 9:1-7 in our worship service at 10:00AM

“A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.””
Luke 9:35 (NIV) 

Isaiah prophesied that our Lord Jesus would be called Wonderful Counselor, and it seems like this first Name is the bedrock upon which the righteous rule of Christ is established in a person’s life, and it seems that the other 3 Names proceed from this Name.
I wonder if you are like a dear friend of mine that would become passionate about this text and loudly declare that there are 5 Names not  - Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace? My dear friend is with His Lord now and no doubt uses all 5 Names to address his Lord, but for those of us here on this earth- the scholars tell us that the Hebrew contains 4 Names, not 5.
This first Name reveals His primary role in our lives, if we would willing seek His face, and listen to what He tells us- we would recognize Him as a Wonderful Counselor, for His counsel is wonderful in every way.

The lords of old told us serfs who to marry, where to live, what job to take up – they managed every aspect of the lives of the serfs. How much more should we the servants/slaves of the Risen Lord follow His instructions in every aspect of our lives?

We can read of the kings of Israel and their counselors, and see that a kingdom is established through a multitude of wise counselors. Now if a king needs wisdom outside of himself than surely, we need wisdom outside of ourselves. Of course, we all know people who only listen when they speak, and perhaps we find ourselves engaged in that prideful, self-centered behaviour but I hope that we all know the importance of listening when our Lord speaks, and have experienced the wonderful results of following His counsel.

It is how we came to faith- by hearing His voice above all other voices- for His sheep recognize His voice. It is how His kingdom came to our lives, and how we entered His kingdom, and it is how we see His kingdom and righteousness expand in our lives. How do we recognize His voice above all the other voices this day? It starts with deliberate action on our part to LISTEN. We find His voice in His Word, and that inner voice that tells us to go right or left (Isa 30:21) will never contradict His written Word, and actually I seem to hear that inner voice clearer in direct proportion to the time I spend in His Word.

We will never see Him revealed as Mighty God in our lives, until we accept Him as Wonderful Counselor, listen to what He tells us, and apply it in our lives.    

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