Saturday 2 February 2019

Feb 2, 2019 - Suggested Reading 2 Corinthians 8 for Jan Feb 3rds message on 1 Corinthians 16 in our worship service at 9:00 am

"But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving."

The idea that we can excel in this grace of giving is a neat phrase that warrants exploration.
We understand this to be true when we speak of God’s grace manifested in the spiritual gifts we are given - for as we use them for Christ and through His power we can excel - that is we become very effective in the use of those gifts. 
Paul lists the things the Corinthians are already excelling in - awesome list - I wonder what do you excel in? – as a way of explaining how he wants to see them grow in the area of giving.
Paul uses the Macedonian Christians as an example of what he wants to see - people who in the midst of trials and poverty, eagerly desire to have the privilege to be used by God to bless
His people financially. 
Giving even beyond their ability, exceeding the expectations of the leadership. 
He gives us a formula (severe trial + overflowing joy + extreme poverty = rich generosity) which doesn’t add up however you look at it, unless you factor in that for a Christian giving is about God’s grace working in our lives.
How then can we excel in this grace of giving?
vs 8 & 9 Don’t think of giving in terms of a test of obedience to Christ- think of it in terms of a test of love for Christ.
vs 10-12 Realize that the willingness to give is more important than the size of the gift.
vs 13-15  Our goal should be equality, a sharing of God-given riches - so that needs will be met.
So as we consider our love for God, and examine our hearts (will) in the matter, realizing that we have more than others and that they are in need, we will excel in the grace of giving.

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