Friday 15 February 2019

Feb 15, 2019 - Suggested Reading Matthew 25 for Feb 17ths message on Matthew 10:32-42 in our worship service at 10:45am

““He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these,
you did not do for me.’”

On that Day - the great Day of division - all humanity will be divided into 2 groups separated by the Lord Jesus Christ. Some on His left and some on His right - there is no middle ground. 
The ones on the left are sent away from the Lord into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels, but the ones on His right are welcomed by Him into their inheritance, the kingdom prepared for them since the creation of the world. What amazes me about this prophecy by Christ Jesus is the reason given by the Lord to both groups as to why they are either in the kingdom or in the fire. 
The reason centres on what we have done for Christians while we lived on the face of the earth. 
If we fed them, or gave them water, or gave them a bed, or gave them clothes, or helped heal them, or befriended them in prison, then we will be in the kingdom. 
If we didn’t do any of those things we will end up in the fire.
We could speculate as to the nature of the link – that is try to figure out which comes first.
Do people who are in the kingdom care for Christians because of Christ in them?
Or do people get in the kingdom because they care for Christians?
Or we could deal with the plain teaching of the text - which is an amazing teaching.
That Christ views everything done or not done to His people, as done or not done to Him!
Now that is spiritual union- that is Christ in us, and us in Christ.
It is not just talk – nope its truth - we are in Him and He is in us!
The response of both groups of people tell us that we don’t get this teaching.
We don’t understand that what is done or not done for His people, is done or not done for Him.
We think that how we treat His people has nothing to do with our standing before God. 
Paul discovered otherwise on the road to Damascus when the Lord asked him “Why are you persecuting ME?”
Makes me want to be careful in how I deal with Christians - I don’t want any part in harming them. 
I want to be part of blessing them!

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