Friday 4 April 2014

Philippians 2:1-8

"In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus..." 
Philippians 2:5 (NIV)

It appears that the new NIV added the English word “relationships” to this verse. The translators will have to answer to God for adding words to the Bible (I am sure they do their important work with fear and trembling), but this addition helps focus our attention on the central message of this text.

The focus of this passage is on our relationships with each other, not about our relationship to God. It is about actions, and words that come from Christ’s mind, not just simply thinking good thoughts. The command presupposes that we have relationships with other Christians, which of course means that we are part of an assembly or local church. It is based on the blessings and benefits we have through our spiritual union with Christ, and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our life. Paul is reminding us that the humility of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, should be evident in our relationships, and it starts with our mindset towards other Christians!

Are we concerned about our status? Are we muttering about a lack of respect? Do we filter every interaction with others through “somehow this must work to my advantage”? Will we truly serve others? That is - will we help them? Will we do or pray or work so that they can advance in their life and walk with God? Will we meet them at their level without condemnation, and rejoice with them as they take whatever baby step they should have taken years ago? Will we overlook their sin and encourage them to build their faith? Are we willing to go to the cross for them? That is - are we willing to die to our own desires, our own agenda, our own preferences, our own comfort so that someone else can advance in their own faith walk?

As I write this, it seems to me that this is a description of good parenting, and most of us will do this for our own children. What is being communicated in this text is that God expects us to treat all of His children, the way we treat our own children!

Last of all, are we obedient? Not obedient to those brothers and sisters around us. NO - that could be deadly! But obedient to their Father, our Father, and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We are to be the servants of each other, but we must always remember that the Lord is our boss.

Oh friend, can you imagine what Parkdale would be like if we worked hard at obeying this command? It starts with me and it starts with you! Let us have the mindset of Christ in our relationships with each other.

Help us Lord Jesus. Change us. Break us of our pride and selfishness this day. Help me to see the people of Parkdale through your eyes.

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