Saturday 12 April 2014

Acts 2:27-41

"Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”"
Luke 7:50 (NIV)

She left with her sins forgiven; she left SAVED! Her faith was focused on the person of Jesus. She believed that He was the One who forgives sin. Luke makes sure that we recognize this truth by putting the question, “Who is this who even forgives sins?” on the lips of the guests. They were sitting with Jesus, they had watched His miracles, they had heard Him speak, they enjoyed His physical Presence in their midst, and yet only the woman was SAVED! 

To be SAVED is to be born again. To be SAVED is to be a child of the Most High God. To be SAVED is to be assured of your place in eternity with God. To be SAVED is to know that you will escape the coming wrath of God revealed in Revelation. 

The world mocks us, and jeeringly talks of being SAVED as if it was nonsense, and yet they are only like this because they have been deceived about the coming wrath of God. They don’t believe that they stand condemned. They don’t believe that they are sinners; actually they believe that God thinks well of them, and some of them even believe that God owes them an explanation for His behaviour in their lives. They have no knowledge of the debt they owe, they have no knowledge of the dire strait they are in nor of their need for God’s mercy and forgiveness. They are absolutely blind to their need. 

We wonder what can we do about this sad state of affairs in our loved one’s lives? The good news is that we have a Helper...or are we the helper of God? However you state it, the Bible teaches that both the Spirit and the bride call “Come”. It is the Holy Spirit who convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, as we proclaim! What a powerful example we have of this ‘partnership’ between the Holy Spirit and the church recorded in Acts 2! The Holy Spirit came in power, they all spoke in foreign languages, Peter preached, and the other people were “cut to the heart”. “What shall we do they asked?” With many words Peter pleaded with them to “save themselves”. Just like the woman who washed our Lord’s feet, their faith will save them. They repented and were baptized, they are now SAVED! 

God is so good to us. Just believe that Jesus is the One who forgives sin. Turn towards Him in an act of faith and you will be SAVED!

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