Thursday 4 July 2013

Revelation 21:9 thru 22:5

"The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp."
{Revelation 21:23} (NIV) 

When I read this section of God’s Word, I get so blessed that I think to myself that I should read this every day. To actually spend time considering what this means for me blesses me even more! 

God’s purpose in this creation for the sun and the moon is to serve people. They serve the earth and therefore the people who inhabit the earth, by providing light. In the new creation, God does that Himself. 

God’s purpose in this creation for water and for fruit is to nourish us and to keep us alive. In the new creation the river flows constantly - the purest of water - and the tree of life bears fruit continually. 

God’s purpose in this creation for plants is healing. In the new creation the leaves of the tree of life heal us. 

God’s purpose in this creation for the temple is to bring us into His manifest Presence. In the new creation He and the Lamb are our temple; we experience His real Presence. 

God’s purpose in this creation for walls and gates is our protection from evil. In the new creation there is no longer any evil to be protected from. 

God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He will provide for His children in eternity. We believe this don’t we? Then believe that He will provide for YOU (His child) in this life. Oh friend know this: our God, the Lord God Almighty cares for you and is helping you even now! 

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