Wednesday 13 February 2013

John 19

"Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.”"
{John 19:11} (NIV 1984)

Pilate held the power of life and death over humans. He ruled in Caesar’s place and sat in Caesar’s seat, and when our Lord remained silent under his questioning, Pilate reminded the Lord of the power that Pilate had over Him. The Lord’s answer makes it clear that God is the One who decides who the rulers of humans are. 

How can it be that the person who makes the decision to have the Son of God killed, is less guilty then the Jews who handed Jesus over to him? Pilate no doubt, was a man of authority and action. The days of the Roman Empire were brutal days, and men who became leaders were men used to power, authority and action. The words of Jesus made Pilate realize that he was not in authority or in control, and the text tells us he tried to have Jesus released. Matthew’s gospel tells us that he washed his hands and put the responsibility onto the Jews. 

O friend, thank God that we are not kings or governors, raised up by God over our fellow humans, and then forced to make decisions we don’t want to. Praise God that our King rules the world with righteousness, and will never be forced by anyone to make a wicked decision regarding us. Our King is not a weak human! He is King of kings and Lord of lords.

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