Saturday 18 January 2014

Romans 8:18-39
“...Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:2 (NIV)  

The NIV 2011 uses the English word "pioneer" instead of "author" (NIV 1984). This seems to be closer to the meaning of the original Greek (according to my Greek/English interlinear by Mounce and Mounce), and it can bear great fruit for us if we would dwell on this description of our Lord as a "pioneer" as we continue to consider this week: temptation, tests and wilderness.

Pioneers go before us, they open up new uncharted areas, they are our leaders who are at the front of the procession. The pioneers that passed through, opened up the west for generation after generation of people, including our generation. More than simply explorers, they came to settle the land, and to make it fruitful.

Paul tells us to fix our eyes on Jesus who went before us into the wilderness; who suffered as He was tempted and tested, and yet endured. Paul tells us that Jesus went through the wilderness for the joy – not in the journey, but in the destination. Glory and unspeakable joy awaited our Lord, and so He put one foot in front of the other, and walked the path God called Him to. He put one knee beside the other and prayed, “Not my will but thine.” Through all His suffering, through all His humiliation and shame, He kept His mind and His heart on the joy that awaited Him.

Oh friend, may we fix our eyes on Jesus: the One who opened up the way, the One who made the wilderness fruitful, the One in whom we can rest, for He, and He alone, knows the way through the wilderness.

There is a children’s song that I used to sing with the children in Sunday School and VBS. This is a kids song and yet there is a truth in this song that through my adult life has blessed me, for as I look around and realize I am in a wilderness situation, I start to sing this song, and it reminds me that He is here with me, that all I need to do is keep walking and keep praying.

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