Tuesday 17 July 2012

Revelation 19

Fine linen, bright and clean, was given to her to wear.”
(Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.)
{Revelation 19:8} (NIV1984)

Isaiah tells Israel that God Himself is her Husband. (Is. 54) Isaiah also tells us that God has a banquet ready for His people. (Is. 25) Our Lord tells us through a parable (Mt. 22) that there will be a wedding feast, and that anyone without wedding clothes will be thrown out. Here in this text we have an amazing truth, that the wedding clothes our Lord referred to are actually a gift from God to us. Our “acts of righteousness” (the things we do for God), are an expression of His grace to us. He prepares them in advance for us. He gives us what we need to do them, and He clothes us with these righteous acts on that banquet day with our Lord. It is all God, it is all God’s grace, it is His work not ours, but we must do them. 

Friend, we should ask ourselves this morning; “If Jesus came back today; what would I wear at the banquet?” You say, “Well, I have a crown of life, and that is all I need.” Your crown is beautiful my friend, but really you should have some clothes on. Even the thief on the cross, who was born-again as he died, defended Christ Jesus against the persecutors. God gave him that opportunity to have some clothes to wear. There are good works in front of us today. Let us pray for eyes to see them, faith to pick them up, and strength to bring honour and glory to our King.

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