Wednesday 18 July 2012

Luke 10:25-37

The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” 
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
{Luke 10:37} (NIV1984)

The priest, the Levite and the Samaritan all had eyes. They all were travellers on a journey. Their feet were on the same ground, they breathed the same air, and they grew up in the same age. When they saw the wounded man, they saw him naked, wounded, destitute; someone who was very close to death. Yet there was something different about the Samaritan’s eyes. He didn’t see him as someone to be avoided. He didn't see him as someone else's problem. He didn't see him as a lost cause. He didn't see him as his enemy. What he saw was someone whom he could help. He saw a person in need, and knowing that he could do something, he did what he could. He used his time, his possessions, his money, and he got up close and touched the man. 

How many people will we see today? What kind of eyes will we see them through? How many of us have walked past an opportunity to serve God by helping someone else. Who comes to mind as we think on this story? Find a way to help them today, for our Lord said, “Go and do likewise.”

O Lord Jesus, change our hearts today, that we would see people through your eyes. Help us, we pray.

1 comment:

  1. With God I will not take my work for granted but as a special opertunity to serve Him.
