Saturday 7 July 2012

Jeremiah 17:5-10

"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. 
Who can understand it?"
Jeremiah 17:9 (NIV1984)

There are those who trust in themselves; who look inside their own hearts and find only goodness. There are those who are convinced of the rightness of their cause, and convinced of the righteousness of their motives. When their deeds are exposed as evil, they convince themselves that all is okay inside; that they meant right even though they did wrong. These people are people who trust in themselves, and do not know the truth that their hearts are deceitful and cannot be fixed. Cannot be fixed by man, but can be fixed by God. 

God searches our hearts; God knows our hearts and knows that we need heart surgery. Outside changes are nice, but are not what is needed. No. That deceitful heart of ours needs the deceit cut away; it needs the Holy Spirit to break it and make it into a heart of flesh. Praise God, the all wise, all loving God, who decided, out of His great love for us, to make it possible for us to have a new heart, through faith in His Son, and the sanctifying work of His Holy Spirit. 

O Holy Spirit, purify us today, cut the deceit from our hearts we pray.

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