Wednesday 16 May 2012

Daniel 7

"This is the end of the matter. I, Daniel, was deeply troubled by my thoughts, and my face turned pale, but I kept the matter to myself.”
{Daniel 7:28}  (NIV1984) 

Here is the account of a holy, godly man who is given a vision into the future of mankind, and he is shaken. This is no man of ordinary courage. This is the man who stood before the kings who ruled the world, and served God, before he served them. This man stood alone before savage lions and lived and he lived and thrived among savage people.

We would say that he lived among terrible times for the people of God. Yet it appears that he is frightened by what he saw. Terrible times await the world and await God’s people. Terrible times controlled by God, unable to be changed even by the terrifying beasts, the spiritual powers of darkness. The visions of what will come, drained the blood out of the face of Daniel. “But the court will sit.." (Dan.7:26) 

Friend, why try to look into the future? Should we not instead keep our gaze fixed on the Author and Perfecter of our faith? Praise God that He holds the future! Praise God that He has set a day that the court will sit!

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