Tuesday 22 May 2012

Acts 20:13-38

"In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food."
{Acts 6:1}  (NIV1984)  
Here we have a record of a problem in the first church. An ethnic group was neglected in the area of physical care, and the fingers were pointed at the “in” crowd. There was one group against another. There is no condemnation of the people who brought the complaint, nor against those accused. 

The record of the solution gives us the model for all churches in every century to follow. The apostles (who were acting as elders of the first church) gave direction for the assembly to select spiritual men who would be given the responsibility to handle food distribution on a continual basis. The assembly, the “regular” people in the church, selected the men, then presented them to the apostles who committed them and their work to the Lord. 

This Spirit led solution to a real problem (that was brought to the apostle’s attention by complaints), makes it clear that the Lord’s church is led by spiritual men who are selected by the congregation. Men who do not rule like dictators, but who serve like the Lord Jesus. The Holy Spirit gives the gifts to the leaders for ministry, and the Holy Spirit gives the wisdom and discernment to the assembly to select the leaders. The church is the work of the Spirit, as He works in and through each person in the assembly.  

Heavenly Father, we are encouraged by being united with Christ; we are comforted from His love. We thank you for the fellowship we have with the Spirit. Help us to be like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. (Phil. 2:1)

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