Monday 13 February 2012

1 Samuel 12

“You have not cheated or oppressed us,” they replied. 
“You have not taken anything from anyone’s hand.”
{1 Samuel 12:4} (NIV1984)

In 1 Samuel 12, we have the record of Samuel handing over the rule of Israel to the newly victorious King Saul. This chapter marks the end of the era of the judges and brings in the era of the kings of Israel. This is an important change in the rule of Israel. No longer would God raise up judges to deliver His people, He would raise up prophets who would anoint kings, who would be responsible for the safety of the people and the establishment of their borders. 

The king’s duties were kept separate from the priest’s duties, as Saul would soon find out to his detriment. When we consider that our Lord Jesus Christ is Prophet, Priest and King, forever. We wonder at the displeasure shown by God at the people’s request for a king. Perhaps it was because they were placing their trust in a human ruler instead of God Himself. Samuel has warned them in 1 Samuel 8 about the consequences of trusting a human king. He tells them that these men will oppress them, take their sons and daughters, servants, fields, and flocks. He tells them that they would become slaves to these men. Samuel asks the people to tell him if he has taken anything from them. They declare him innocent, he has not oppressed them, nor taken anything from anyone’s hand. 

Ministers of the gospel should pay attention to this passage, asking ourselves the question: “Are we oppressing those we share the gospel with? Are we taking from them? Are we manipulating them and burdening them? Are we the foolish shepherd of Zechariah 11? Lest we think that these questions are only for those paid to minister the Gospel, consider the Lord’s call on everyone to Gospel ministry and ask these questions of ourselves. What a contrast between being ruled by a man and being ruled by the King of Kings! The yoke of our heavenly King is easy and His burden is light! May we emulate Him as we minister the Gospel! May we desire to be ruled by Him!

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