Thursday 2 August 2018

August 2, 2018 - Suggested Reading Deuteronomy 4 for Aug 5th’s message on Matthew 5:17-20 in our summer worship service at 10am

“And what other nation is so great as to have such righteous decrees and laws as this body of laws I am setting before you today?"

It is absolutely amazing that God, the Creator of heaven and earth would pick a people on the face of the earth out of all the other peoples on earth, to set them apart to holiness and righteousness for His glory and for the blessing of all the other peoples on earth. This work of God Almighty the Creator of heaven and earth is accomplished through his people observing all of the Law. One mark of wisdom (men struggle with this) is to read the instruction book that came with your new purchase. The people who made whatever it is that you purchased are the people who know best how it works, and how to fix it. So it is with the Law, the Creator who made heaven and earth, who made you and me, is the One who knows best how we work and how this world works, and He knows best how to fix it. Foolish are those who decide to throw the Book in the corner and make no attempt to discover the righteousness and holiness and blessing upon blessing that come by following the Law. May we be those who have the Book open, who seek Christ’s face, for His grace in our lives to follow those Laws that He has given for our good.

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