Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Luke 10:25-37

"But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"
Luke 10:29 (NIV) 

This dialogue between the expert in the Law and our Lord reveals so much about the typical human heart (or at least my heart - surely not your heart!). I chuckle every time I see the NIV expression, “expert in the law”. The other English translations read “lawyer” but the NIV expression gives us the ability to see this man’s title as a pun, for by seeking to justify himself, he reveals to all of us that he is an “expert at getting around the law” which many present day lawyers seem to be good at as well. Not only that, but this human “expert” is “testing” the Eternal Word, the One who wrote the Law.

I’m telling you - this situation is hilarious. No doubt Luke wrote it this way on purpose to illustrate the absurdity of us seeking to make excuses for our hateful behaviour - no less absurd than Cain answering God’s question with a self-justifying question. Our Lord had answered his question with a question and then congratulated the “expert” on his correct response, but the man’s heart is exposed by his follow up question.

May I say that typical of a typical human - the follow up question is designed to make the man feel good about his own lack of obedience to what he clearly knows is the overriding commandment of all of Scripture - to care for the needs of the human beside you. Jesus’ answer tears the man’s pretense all away and places the responsibility back on us to help every human that God places in our way!

The Jew who was in trouble was not the Samaritan’s neighbour by any human definition. But the Samaritan became the Jew’s neighbour by acting in accordance with the Law and with the responsibility placed on Cain by God. The answer to the question: “Who is my neighbour?” is “Go and be a neighbour to anyone who needs help.”

I wonder today who needs my help? Who is it that I pass by without seeing? Who is it that is calling out that I am ignoring? My wife, Wanda, will describe the bad behaviour of children at school as a “cry for help”. She is much better at being a good human than I am; I would say that she has the gift of mercy! But that doesn’t take my responsibility away. NO - God asks me to care for those in need around me, and He asks you to do the same. But really He isn’t asking, He is commanding!

Oh Lord – forgive us for our callous behaviour.

Forgive us for our lack of love and care for those around us.

Please Lord give us your eyes and give us your heart today!

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